

As we have explain Urban sprawl is a huge issue that needs to be solved.

Just to recap Urban sprawl is the massive expansion of urban areas That has many consequences. Such as the loss of valuable farmland, road congestion and many other problems.  Some solutions are we could better plan out roads in canada so they are more efficient and help to minimize traffic. Another very possible solution would be to halt the building on large sprawling homes and build more apartment buildings. This would be useful because we would have more building diversity and we would have more options than just living in sprawling homes

In a recent article On CBC news (Urban or Suburban? Mayoral Candidates respond) States many ways we can cure urban sprawl. For example  candidate Richard Bergon said we could create more green spaces that way people living in apartment complexes would be able to have more space to go outside since they don’t have backyards. Candidate Mélanie holy suggested to build and renovate sports and cultural centers that way people wont need a backyard to play sports and participate in other activities.

These are all very large scale solutions that could have an immense impact on urban sprawl. Although these large scale solutions are more effective There are simpler things we can do to help fix this problem. For example we can chose to live in apartments instead of the suberbs or you could even just spread awareness on urban sprawlOverall Urban sprawl is a condition that can be cured.

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