Calgary’s Biggest Issue


Calgary is probably Canada’s fastest growing city. People from all over come there for new opportunities.

The big issue is you guessed it, urban sprawl! Calgary is the almost the same size as New York City with 1 tenth the population. The city keeps growing out into the suburbs, when it should really be going up not out. Every time a new house is built, which is about 20 each day. It costs tax payers more, around $33 million each year. Which can lead to $1.5 billion in dept.

Home rates In Calgary cost much more than Ontario, due to more job opportunities in the city, but at the same time if a new family moves there looking for a new start, how will they afford to live in a house right away?. There’s also a lack of apartment buildings and Calgary housing happens to be very picky. Also due to the food there’s a extreme wait list on homes, and a housing issue. That’s probably why Calgary has North America’s largest homeless shelter. The Urban development institute doesn’t agree with building up instead of out, stating stopping the development of more homes can lead to less choice and increase in prices.

Another issue is high ways. Due to the large spread of the city, to get anywhere you must drive on the high way, which limits going anywhere on foot or by biking. Talk about air pollution and a long wait during rush hour.

During the mayor election late last year, when Naheed Nenshi got reelected he promised to fix the growing issue.

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